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What Now?

Monday, March 31, 2008

I should be writing my Opening Address to the graduating class of our school but I seemed to be trapped in whirlwind of words in my mind. I am lost for words to say. Last year it came easy for me to write my speech but now, it seems i got too excited with my leave of absence for a year that it is the only thing that i look forward to.

It is a shame on my part. LOL. I took Speech Communication as my major back in college. But it seems i am trapped in an ironic situation now. Pity me. Well, there are moments like this, i know!
Should i start with a joke, an anecdote or a quotation. I am thinking.

What if i use a visual presentation? What sort of visual presentation can fit for an opening remarks? How can i be sure i can keep my audience focused? I still have 24 hours to hack my brain for some creative juices!

(image from