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What We Need

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Disarray and chaos are the words to describe our house right now. There is really no one to blame, as everyone has been part of the decision to move our office here. So the small living room has been converted into an office. When one enters the house one will be welcomed with indescribable feeling of being at a loss. There is a PC in between three small office tables. First table belongs to my two younger kids who are homeschooling. Second table next to the computer belongs to my husband with multitude of things atop it. Not to mention how those things are in constant disarray. Third, table belongs to my husband's business partner who seldom visits here but she needs a place for her things so she keeps a table.
The usual sofa and table arrangement has been out of the picture. The usual furniture in their places have been removed. We sure need a modern sofa to change the ambiance.