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Seven of Me

Friday, July 25, 2008

Grabbed this from Vina . I just thought it is fun to do.

The rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

~ Facts about Me ~

1. It takes time for me to warm up to people. Shy? No. It's just me.

2. I usually stay indoors cause unlike my Mama, I am not a mobile person. Behaved? No, plain lazy.

3. I have very few real true friends but lots of acquaintances.

4. I prefer to spend most of my time with family and relatives.

5. Blame it to 3 major surgical operations, in the span of 5 years: I am soooo forgetful.

6. I do not wear make-up.

7. I love to eat. No, I always eat, eat, eat, eat. Thanks to genetics my heaviest weight is 120lbs.