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RBS 6 Nations

Friday, February 01, 2008

What happens when six different nations meet in an event? What happens when people of different cultures happen to be together to have fun and enjoyment? I can not think of the right words right now but what comes to my mind is: FUN. Another word that I can think of is: ACTION, to the highest level!
That is how RBS Nations website comes to every fan whenever the website is uploaded. More than being an interactive site, more benefits are presented in this site. When games, newsletter, podcasts and competitions of rugby game are in one incredible site, fans go wild! There is even a fanzone where fans come as priority for accessibility of wallpapers, photo gallery and newsletters are available on click!
Captured moments of rugby game can even be viewed over and over because videos are available in an instant! Here is the catch: fans can shop online for memorabilia and licensed products or merchandise…SO just click the site and action happens!