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In my hearts of hearts, i do believe that my calling in life is not to be the career woman everyone raves to be. I tried, though, to teach in a University, a small college as instructor and now i am on my eleventh year of serving the small but progressive (in mission) school i am currently engaged with. However, most of the time i am always home: lunch breaks, right after work and on weekends. Although i have an active virtual life, i am not into social circles except for simple celebrations of close friends, family gatherings, and small group Bible sharing/meetings.

My thoughts and wants are always home, for the home and for my family. I do not know how many moms would agree with me with this. But truly, given financial freedom and choices, I WOULD RATHER BE A STAY-AT-HOME-MOM.

I do not have the freedom to choose this YET. But prayers and planning with my husband can truly help. Who knows what would happen tomorrow, anyway? I am still praying. Maybe God is teaching me many lessons now before i achieve my heart's desire. I am still molded and taught... for a greater and better role. I always have a choice to believe that God is a Wiser God than many human minds put together. He knows better.

I believe God is listening to my prayers.

In fact, one day when i was down and weary, i opened the Bible and there i read about Jesus talking to Mary the sister of Lazarus whom Jesus resurrected from the dead:

“Didn't I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

  1. Charree October 22, 2007 at 2:12 PM  

    I hope that God will answer your prayer soon. Don't loose heart, but rest in knowing that God is in control.

  2. Mimi October 22, 2007 at 5:04 PM  

    I am still praying for you that in God's timing you will be able to become a Stay At Home Mom... sometimes it takes time for these things to happen... but you keep working at it and praying for it and God will help it to come to pass...
    Be Encouraged...

  3. Hailey's Beats and Bits October 22, 2007 at 9:35 PM  

    @ charee - thanks for the encouragement

    @ mimi - thanks for the prayer.

  4. ann October 22, 2007 at 10:29 PM  

    hi hails! i'm hoping you get to be a stay at home mom too soon. i can relate to your post and i know a lot of moms would want to be stay at home moms too. :) and if i may say so, it all depends on you. :)

  5. Shosh October 24, 2007 at 4:03 AM  

    Hailey, here's hoping that you get to be a stay-at-home Mom. I am, and you're right, I like it a lot.

    I do work from home, but majority of my time is spent at home, and this I prefer.

    {we're about the same age you know....}

  6. Mixednuts October 25, 2007 at 1:19 AM  

    hi hailey,

    we all have our wants but unfortunately those wants do not materialize as often as we want them to. keep the faith.

    oh ya, love the new design of your site.