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Every year my extended family or clan from my maternal side celebrates a reunion. It is a one day affair with lots of fun, food and presentations. My aunts and uncles from my mother's side as well as all my cousins gather together to celebrate. It has been awhile since we have been doing this tradition. It only happens once a year and we really make it the most memorable event ever.
Last year my our family was the sponsor. When it is a family's turn to sponsor, food, program and venue are shouldered. Each year each family take turns to sponsor.
Since the reunion will be in December, we have an ample time to prepare for our own family's gimmick. I remember last year was the time when color coded T-shirts were worn by each family. Other printed their own or wore matching colors.
So when I saw this special sale online by VistaPrint for easy design and print solution, I got light bulbs glowing in my mind for new gimmick stunts. T-shirts can be printed or magnets for souvenirs are quite novel and new. I am sure my cousins would love the idea. My siblings and our children can avail of this special sale.

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