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If I Get Lucky

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It is my Mama who has gotten the bug. What bug am I talking about here? Lottery. When everyone seems to be crazy about joining reality show for a prize or the lottery, my Mama is so into it for a long time now. She sends someone to get her tickets everyday. Such persistence, right?

Everyday I see people lining up just to buy tickets for the daily lottery. Even under the heat of the sun or pouring rain, many people line up to count on their luck. For sure only those who are lining up know every underlying reason for such devotion.

Everyone seems to be caught up in the hype of winning those millions of prizes. I wonder when will be my time to join the bandwagon. It is not into me, yet. Actually I feel that I have yet to believe that I have such luck so as to win the daily lottery. But for sure everyone has his or her reason for joining. I admire their persistence in joining this kind of game of chance.

However, should stroke of luck chanced on me and I win, I will not hesitate to buy whatever I fancy and save some. I will for sure try used Cadillacs Harrisburg PA and get myself one unit. For sure, I will have a grand time joyriding...