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Good News, Good Prizes!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do you watch the news on TV? Heard of any good news lately? Got some nice juicy update to lift the spirits of those who are blue over economic downtime and crisis? How I wish there are more good news than depressing details about how the economy is doing, every day.
Let's have more fun. Here is how to have more good news - just click these words: SportsVids.
For sure there are more good tidings that will be brought about by these words. Let the thought of winning the chance to own a new Xbox 360, fresh and crisp tickets to Michigan vs. Penn State, for Saturday, October 18, 2008 plus the much coveted $100 Gift Certificate from Dick's Sporting Goods lift your spirits!
This is for September contest. It requires you, me and all our friends to sign-up as SportsVids members so we can be able to participate. Just go over the website and we will be presented with specific contest instructions . So easy to do right?
Another way to win those prizes is to send the link to all your friends, family, acquaintances and even enemies so they can log on to the site. Every time a unique person visits the link and open the SportsVids site, your account gets a point. At the end of September 2008, the top three users with the most referral points get to win and take the prizes.
