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I Have the BEST MOM.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A tag from Vannie

You too can tell why your mom is the best by simple posting your reasons and don't forget to add your link! Spread this tag and tell the world that you have the Best Mom.

Bregie - her love for us is endless.

2. Bing - for us she is more than perfect!

3. Twerlyn - Because she loves me unconditionally.

4. Tasteful voyage , A mom's note - raising her six children the best she could and now, her grandchild.

5. Supermodel Wannabe & Fun.Fierce.Fab - My Mom's the BEST because she was able to raise us to be God fearing, respectful, responsible & open-minded. She's the best. She's like a friend & sister to me!
6. Hailey's Domain & Hailey's Beats and Bits
My Mama is the best because she was able to give birth and raise EIGHT kids; more than half of the time she was a single parent. She worked hard for us, prayed unceasingly for us and and sent EIGHT children ( all of her kids) to the same school (U.P.) , singlehandedly.

Let's hear from

  1. PinayWAHM May 15, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

    Thanks for the tag, Hailey. I already did this tag on Mother's Day I think...but thanks for tagging me nonetheless...

  2. Heart of Rachel May 15, 2008 at 9:56 AM  

    Hi Hailey. Thanks for this tag. I know I owe you several more but this one I can do right away.

    Enjoy the coming weekend.

  3. Inaj May 15, 2008 at 7:54 PM  

    helo hailey! What's the tag you're saying you have for me?

  4. Heart of Rachel May 15, 2008 at 7:55 PM  

    I already posted it. Thanks again for the tag.