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What We Need

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Since I took my leave of absence I have been inside our house most days. Spending time inside our house has changed my perspective of how should our house looked like or be arranged. Aside from picking up clutter ever so often if not never ending, I realized we need new bedroom furniture in the house. Aside from the fact that I am going berserk from picking up clutters constantly, I think it will add a new make over look that my kids bedroom needs.
Last weekend, when we went to my in-laws, I talked to my brother in law who plans to put up a furniture store soon. He explained to me that a drawer will help me keep my sanity intact. He told me that drawer for the three girls will not cost much. He showed me the size that he can make for his nieces. I liked the idea.

My brother in law has carpentry skills. He just needs to have financial capital to put up his own furniture business. Hopefully, by next year he sets up his own enterprise of making living room furniture and the likes. For sure I can avail of discounts from him should I become his regular customer.