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Wishes Do Come True

Friday, March 28, 2008

About two months ago when our PC was going bonkers, I was thinking how we could squeeze a new laptop into our family budget. Being "credit card free" nowadays, we can only use cash to procure items for our household. Every item we buy such as clothing and appliances should always be in cash basis. We chose to be credit card free because before we were neck-deep with our credit card bills that we just had to let go of having one.

So my husband and i really wished for a new laptop. Not knowing where to find that much cash for a new one, we just monitored out expenses day in and day out. Knowing we were aiming for the best bargain of laptop, we just had to let go of small pleasures of impulse buying. Then suddenly a bigger account for his business came. We were ecstatic to have extra amount in the budget. I added some of my earnings to it thus we were able to get a new one. Of course we paid it in cash.

Had I known that there are coupons which can be used for buying online, it could have been an extra bonus. Even medicines have coupon code for

  1. Liz March 29, 2008 at 12:19 PM  

    hi hails! how are you? konti lang ang opps ko lately. i hope you're having a great weekend. ;)

    take care.