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To the Rescue!

Monday, February 04, 2008

AS I have blogged earlier I do complain of constant back pain and fatigue. Well, as a working mom of three school-aged daughters, help is indeed needed. Although the little girls of mine help me with simple chores and domestic assignments, I think I need the intervention of technology here to relieve me of the burden of house chores. But I do need to save up for the finances so that I can buy the tools needed in the house. Therefore, I can save time and effort and rest some more.
Vacuum cleaners will truly help me, I know. I browsed the on-line sites for these technologies and I found state-of-the-art, truly amazing vacuum cleaners. I am amazed by this technology. More than the beauty and functionality, accessories are available with 5 years guarantee. Isn’t that worth my money? I have to be practical nowadays. It is a choice between my health and my money...Right?
I should get one. Or i will gor bonkers doing it all by myself!