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Ages of Innocence

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More often than not, when i look at my children's innocence and purity of hearts, i wish they will stay as they are.
As a parent, one of the greatest joys, is seeing them grow up healthy, smart, happy and God-fearing girls. It is such a joy to see them share love, ideas and feelings to one another.
However, with the feelings of joy come anxiety and fear that someday they will grow up, leave our home and be part of the real, sometimes rough, world.
As a mother to my three daughters, i sometimes feel anxious. The anxiety is, however, silenced with the prayer that even if they grow up they won't lose their innocence, purity and love for life like what they are right now. God bless you, my little ones!

  1. Heart of Rachel August 18, 2007 at 12:51 AM  

    Such lovely photos. I share your joys and fears of being a mom. I love seeing my child so carefree and innocent but I know he is growing up fast. Before long, he will venture to the world. I wish I could always be there to guide and protect him but I know that I should also give him time and space to discover things on his own eventually.

    As mothers, we can pray and hope that our children will have a wonderful future ahead of them.